National Insurance Goes Online

The general insurance major,  National Insurance Company has finally woken-up to the realities of the Internet and On-line Payment . Though National Insurance Company had a website for many years now , it was more of a site you visit to read about and could not have done any transactions there .

Many people I know of still have their Motor Insurances and even Medical Insurance policies with National Insurance Company and for these people it was a painful experience to pay the annual premiums and main reason for this pain was

        • The Office would not open for business until about 10:30 -11:00 in the morning
        • The Offices are closed on Saturdays
        • You would need to go to a specific office to pay and cannot pay at any of their offices

Though LIC had realised the benefits of allowing their customer to transact online long time back , these General Insurance Companies never woke-up from their slumber

Now , finally i see that  National Insurance Company website is changed to handle transactions . There are few issues still , but none the less there has been a beginning

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